Results for 'Raija Hanski Markku Suksi'

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  1.  47
    Administrative due process when using automated decision-making in public administration: some notes from a Finnish perspective.Markku Suksi - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 29 (1):87-110.
    Various due process provisions designed for use by civil servants in administrative decision-making may become redundant when automated decision-making is taken into use in public administration. Problems with mechanisms of good government, responsibility and liability for automated decisions and the rule of law require attention of the law-maker in adapting legal provisions to this new form of decision-making. Although the general data protection regulation of the European Union is important in acknowledging automated decision-making, most of the legal safeguards within administrative (...)
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    8. Governmental accountability in autonomies: Åland Islands in comparison with select autonomies in Europe and elsewhere1. [REVIEW]Markku Suksi - 2009 - In Antonina Bakardjieva Engelbrekt (ed.), New Directions in Comparative Law. Edward Elgar. pp. 108.
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  3. The United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. En R. Hanski, & M. Suksi.A. Rosas & M. Scheinin - 1999 - In Raija Hanski Markku Suksi (ed.), An Introduction to the International Protection of Human Rights. A Textbook.
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  4. Trope theories and the problem of universals.Markku Keinänen - 2005 - Dissertation, University of Helsinki
    This PhD thesis presents some of my earlier attempts to develop a trope bundle theory. It contains a fairly comprehensive discussion of Simons' (1994, 1998) views and Denkel's (1995, 1996) Saturation Theory, which might still be useful.
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    Patient restrictions: Are there ethical alternatives to seclusion and restraint?Raija Kontio, Maritta Välimäki, Hanna Putkonen, Lauri Kuosmanen, Anne Scott & Grigori Joffe - 2010 - Nursing Ethics 17 (1):65-76.
    The use of patient restrictions (e.g. involuntary admission, seclusion, restraint) is a complex ethical dilemma in psychiatric care. The present study explored nurses’ (n = 22) and physicians’ (n = 5) perceptions of what actually happens when an aggressive behaviour episode occurs on the ward and what alternatives to seclusion and restraint are actually in use as normal standard practice in acute psychiatric care. The data were collected by focus group interviews and analysed by inductive content analysis. The participants believed (...)
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    Dialogia hakemassa – avoin julkaiseminen filosofiassa.Markku Roinila - 2024 - Think Open.
    Filosofia voisi keskustelevan luonteensa takia sopia erityisen hyvin avoimeen julkaisemiseen, mutta se ei ole siinä niin pitkällä kuin monet luonnontieteet tai lääketiede. Tässä artikkelissa filosofian alan julkaisemisen kulttuuria tarkastellaan laajasti: aina preprint-julkaisemisesta avoimen julkaisemisen eri muotoihin – myös mahdollisia tulevaisuuden suuntauksia hahmotellaan. Artikkeli käy läpi filosofian lehtien avoimen julkaisemisen käytäntöjä sekä kotimaisissa että kansainvälisissä lehdissä. Myös avoimen julkaisemisen erilaisten tukimuotojen vaikutus julkaisemiseen tuodaan esiin, kun pureudutaan tarkemmin Helsingin yliopiston filosofian alan julkaisukäytäntöihin.
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  7. Philosophy and Biodiversity.Markku Oksanen & Juhani Pietarinen - 2006 - Environmental Values 15 (1):124-127.
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    The Moral Value of Biodiversity.Markku Oksanen - 1997 - Ambio 26 (8):541-545.
    The article considers how the preservation of biodiversity is morally justified in some of the key texts on environmental ethics, i.e. whether or not biodiversity can be justified as a moral end in itself. The views are classified according to the criteria which they hold to be the ultimate moral beneficiaries; positions are named as anthropocentrism, biocentrism and ecocentrism. In general, they are not in favor of regarding biodiversity as intrinsically valuable, but think its moral value as derivative. This means (...)
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    Biodiversity, microbes and human well-being.Ilkka Hanski - 2014 - Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 14 (1):19-25.
  10. Victory Day in History Politics.Markku Kangaspuro - 2011 - In Kahla Elina (ed.), Between Utopia and Apocalypse: Essays on Social Theory and Russia. Aleksanteri Institute. pp. 1--2924304.
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    The Transcendental How: Kant's Transcendental Deduction of Objective Cognition.Markku Leppäkoski - 1993 - Almqvist & Wiksell.
  12.  97
    Ontologiset Kategoriateoriat.Markku Keinänen & Jani Hakkarainen - 2024 - Ensyklopedia Logos.
    Ontologiset kategoriateoriat pyrkivät vastaamaan metafysiikan klassiseen ongelmaan: kysymykseen siitä, mihin eri kategorioihin oliot eli entiteetit jakaantuvat. Olioilla tarkoitetaan tässä mitä tahansa, joka on olemassa. Olevan kategoriat eli ontologiset kategoriat (lyhyesti kategoriat) ovat alustavasti olioiden hyvin yleisiä lajeja. Jäsenyys olioiden kategoriassa ei niinkään kerro sitä, mitä piirteitä oliolla on, vaan sen olemisen tavan ¬– miten se esimerkiksi on tai voi olla maailman rakenneosa. Esimerkkejä mahdollisista kategorioista ovat konkreettiset partikulaariset yksilöoliot (substanssit), ominaisuudet, relaatiot, prosessit, tapahtumat ja joukot. -/- 1. Mitä ovat ontologiset (...)
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    On Thinking the Tragic with Adorno.Markku Nivalainen - 2016 - The European Legacy 21 (7):644-663.
    This article seeks to provide a template for understanding the tragic dimension of Theodor W. Adorno’s philosophy through a reading of his early collaborative work with Max Horkheimer, the Dialectic of Enlightenment. While Adorno’s view has often been considered to be tragic, little has been done to reconstruct the tragic dimension of his thought. I argue that the view of the human condition, presented in the Dialectic of Enlightenment, is founded on metaphysical, epistemological, and ethical convictions that have structural similarities (...)
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    Les Belles Images de Simone de Beauvoir: La Femme et le langage.Raija H. Koski - 1992 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 9 (1):55-60.
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    The Two Steps of the B-Deduction.Markku Leppäkoski - 1998 - Kantian Review 2:107-116.
    Since the publication of Dieter Henrich's classic paper, ‘The proof structure of the transcendental deduction’, in The Review of Metaphysics 22 , the transcendental deduction of the pure concepts of the understanding has been under focus in Kant studies in a very special way. The B-deduction seems to be a proof in two steps. Consequently, the focus has been on questions like, ‘What is the structure of the deduction?’, and ‘Why is the deduction carried out in two steps?’ No doubt (...)
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    What's So Good About Biodiversity? A Call for Better Reasoning About Nature's Value.Markku Oksanen - 2015 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 18 (1):109-112.
    Though the term ‘biodiversity’ is a neologism, the many ideas behind it are timeless. Classifications of place, species, and landraces occur across cultures and have facilitated human survival. The...
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  17.  28
    Right to Food and Geoengineering.Markku Oksanen & Teea Kortetmäki - 2023 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 36 (1):1-17.
    Climate change poses grave risks to food security, and mitigation and adaptation actions have so far been insufficient to lessen the risk of climate-induced violations of the right to food. Could safeguarding the right to food, then, justify some forms of geoengineering? This article examines geoengineering through the analytical lens of the right to food. We look at the components of food security and consider how the acceptability of geoengineering relates to the right to food via its impacts on these (...)
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    Andy Lamey, Duty and the Beast: Should We Eat Meat in the Name of Animal Rights?.Markku Oksanen - 2021 - Environmental Values 30 (4):530-532.
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    Republikaaninen poliittinen filosofia oikeusfilosofiana: Rousseau ja Hegel.Markku Mäki - 2013 - Oulu: Oulun yliopisto.
  20.  19
    Transformations of identity and space in the Middle East and North Africa.Raija Mattila & Ruth Illman - 2018 - Approaching Religion 8 (2):1-2.
    The current issue of Approaching Religion includes articles based on conference papers presented at the Fifth Finnish Colloquium on the Middle East and North Africa Studies, which was organised by the Finnish Institute in the Middle East, the University of Eastern Finland, Faculty of Theology, and the University of Helsinki, including the Academy of Finland Centre of Excellence Changes in Sacred Texts and Trad-itions, in Joensuu, 29–31 May 2017. The theme of the conference was ‘Transformations of Identity and Space in (...)
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  21.  9
    Morality's Progress: Essays on Humans, Other Animals and the Rest of Nature.Markku Oksanen - 2004 - Environmental Values 13 (2):261-263.
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  22.  37
    On tackling the environmental crisis through human rights.Markku Oksanen - 2020 - Rivista di Estetica 75:104-119.
    There is broad scientific consensus on the anthropogenic roots of the environmental crisis, whether we think about biodiversity decline, climate change, pollution or, in general, about the increasing scarcity of ecological space for living entities. Unlike humans, other living beings have no notion of crisis and are probably not bothered by such highly abstract concerns. When a crisis occurs, non-humans either adapt or vanish, whereas humans may see it lurking ahead and become anxious. This human urge to reflect on the (...)
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    Ciceronian humanism and tacitean neostoicism—replacement or transformation: The case of Francis Bacon's moral and civil philosophy.Markku Peltonen - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (1):220-226.
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  24. Gw Leibniz: The art of controversies (= the new synthese historical library 60). Translated and edited, with an introductory essay and notes by Marcelo Dascal, with Quintin Racionero and Adelino Cardoso.Markku Roinila - 2006 - Studia Leibnitiana 38 (2).
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    Miten meistä tuli filosofian tohtoreita.Markku Roinila (ed.) - 2010 - Suomen filosofinen yhdistys.
    Teos sisältää 89 pienoiselämäkertaa, jossa filosofisista kysymyksistä väitelleet suomalaiset kertovat kokemuksistaan matkalla kohti väitöstä. Väittelyiden aikaväli sijoittuu vuosille 1953–2010, ja mukana on monenlaisia tarinoita ja anekdootteja akateemisesta opintiestä ympäri maailmaa, Tasmaniasta Jyväskylään. -/- Kertojina toimivat monet arvostetuimmat suomalaiset filosofit ja toisaalta vasta äskettäin tutkimustaan puolustaneet tulevaisuuden lupaukset. Kirjoittajat kertovat syttymisestään filosofiaan, opiskeluvuosistaan, tutkijanuransa huipuista ja aallonpohjista sekä väitöstapahtumasta ja sen jälkeisistä tuntemuksista. -/- The book includes 98 mini-autobiographies of Finnish philosophers.
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    News from Finland.Markku Roinila - 1995 - The Leibniz Review 5:39-39.
    The only monograph about Leibniz in Finland is Raili Kauppi, Über die Leibnische Logik. This doctoral thesis appeared in series Acta Philosophica Fennica XII in 1960. Kauppi’s thesis continues on the footsteps of Couturat’s and Russell’s, with some original insights. There have also been some influential articles.
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  27.  27
    Environmental Human Rights: A Political Theory Perspective.Markku Oksanen, Ashley Dodsworth & Selina O'Doherty (eds.) - 2017 - Routledge.
    Cover -- Title -- Copyright -- Contents -- List of table -- Notes on contributors -- Acknowledgements -- Introduction: environmental human rights and political theory -- 1 The rights of humans as ecologically embedded beings -- 2 Defining the natural in the Anthropocene: what does the right to a 'natural' environment mean now? -- 3 Reconciliation of nature and society: how far can rights take us? -- 4 The foundation of rights to nature -- 5 Rights to natural resources and (...)
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  28. Kevin Corrigan and Elena Glazov-Corrigan, Plato's Dialectic at Play: Argument, Structure and Myth in the Symposium Reviewed by.Aara Suksi - 2006 - Philosophy in Review 26 (6):397-399.
  29. A Cognitive Approach to the Cultural Schemas Implying the Ethnic Identities of Finnishness in the Production of Authors.Raija Taramaa - forthcoming - Complexity.
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  30. Trooppiteoriat ja relaatiossa olemisen analyysi.Markku Keinänen - 2018 - Ajatus 75 (1):121-150.
    Trope theories aim to eschew the primitive dichotomy between characterising (properties, relations) and characterized entities (objects). This article (in Finnish) presents a new trope theoretical analysis of relational inherence as the best way out of the impasse created by the alleged necessity to choose between an eliminativist and a primitivist ("relata-specific") view about relations in trope theory.
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    The Cambridge companion to Bacon.Markku Peltonen & Peltonen Markku (eds.) - 1996 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Francis Bacon (1561–1626) is one of the most important figures of the early modern era. His plan for scientific reform played a central role in the birth of the new science. The essays in this volume offer a comprehensive survey of his writings on science, including his classifications of sciences, his theory of knowledge and of forms, his speculative philosophy, his idea of cooperative scientific research and the providential aspects of Baconian science. There are also essays on Bacon's theory of (...)
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  32. Bundle Theory with Kinds.Markku Keinänen & Tuomas E. Tahko - 2019 - Philosophical Quarterly 69 (277):838-857.
    Is it possible to get by with just one ontological category? We evaluate L.A. Paul's attempt to do so: the mereological bundle theory. The upshot is that Paul's attempt to construct a one category ontology may be challenged with some of her own arguments. In the positive part of the paper we outline a two category ontology with property universals and kind universals. We will also examine Paul's arguments against a version of universal bundle theory that takes spatiotemporal co-location instead (...)
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  33. There Are no Module or Modifier Tropes.Markku Keinänen - manuscript
    According to Robert K. Garcia, trope theories divide into two distinct groups based on the type of tropes (module or modifier) assumed. Although left unnoticed by many trope theorists, Garcia claims that the module/modifier distinction has important consequences regarding the ontological merits of the different trope theories. In this article, I argue that Garcia’s distinction between module and modifier tropes fails to provide any correct or informative classification of trope theories: Garcia’s distinction is based on assumptions and primitive notions trope (...)
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  34. Universaalineron palkinto: G. W. Leibniz.Markku Roinila - 2004 - In Markku Roinila & Timo Kaitaro (eds.), Filosofin kuolema. Helsinki: Summa.
    Kertomus Leibnizin kuolemasta / An account of the death of Leibniz.
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  35. Mekaanisia tahtomuksia.Markku Roinila - 2003 - In Sara Heinämaa, Martina Reuter & Mikko Yrjönsuuri (eds.), Spiritus animalis: kirjoituksia filosofian historiasta. Gaudeamus.
    Artikkeli Leibnizin ja Hobbesin harkinnasta ja tahdosta / An article on the views of deliberation and willing in Leibniz and Hobbes.
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  36. Seppo Albert Kivinen universaalien identiteetti- ja eksistenssiehdoista.Markku Keinänen - 2022 - Ajatus 79: 53-71.
    This article (in Finnish) discusses Seppo Albert Kivinen's (1933-2021) views on identity and existence conditions of universals. Moreover, the article puts the views to larger context.
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    Entiteettien kategorioiden onttisesta statuksesta.Markku Keinänen - 2012 - Maailma.
    This paper (in Finnish) concerns the ontological status of categories of entities. I argue that categories are not be considered as further entities. Rather, it is suffcient for entities belonging to the same category that they are in exactly the same formal ontological relations and have the same general category features.
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  38. Tropes – The Basic Constituents of Powerful Particulars.Markku Keinänen - 2011 - Dialectica 65 (3):419-450.
    This article presents a trope bundle theory of simple substances, the Strong Nuclear Theory[SNT] building on the schematic basis offered by Simons's (1994) Nuclear Theory[NT]. The SNT adopts Ellis's (2001) dispositional essentialist conception of simple substances as powerful particulars: all of their monadic properties are dispositional. Moreover, simple substances necessarily belong to some natural kind with a real essence formed by monadic properties. The SNT develops further the construction of substances the NT proposes to obtain an adequate trope bundle theory (...)
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    The Wave Function as Matter Density: Ontological Assumptions and Experimental Consequences.Markku Jääskeläinen - 2015 - Foundations of Physics 45 (6):591-610.
    The wavefunction is the central mathematical entity of quantum mechanics, but it still lacks a universally accepted interpretation. Much effort is spent on attempts to probe its fundamental nature. Here I investigate the consequences of a matter ontology applied to spherical masses of constant bulk density. The governing equation for the center-of-mass wavefunction is derived and solved numerically. The ground state wavefunctions and resulting matter densities are investigated. A lowering of the density from its bulk value is found for low (...)
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  40. Acta Philosophica Fennica.Tim De Mey Markku Keinänen (ed.) - 2008 - The Philosophical Society of Finland.
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    Environmental Problem as a Philosophical Problem.Markku Oksanen - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 11:109-113.
    The philosophical study of the environment exists because philosophers are concerned about the environmental problems. This concern may not be the only factor that motivates to do environmental philosophy. For some scholars, the topic is philosophically intriguing. This paper suggests that two approaches can be distinguished: practical and philosophical. The starting point of the practical approach is the existence of environmental problems adopted from environmental sciences and public debates. These problems are then analysed philosophically so as to increase our understanding (...)
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    Africa: A view of a Nordic investor on risks and opportunities.Markku Pekonen - 1988 - World Futures 25 (1):149-156.
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  43. All government is in the people, from the people, and for the people' : democracy in the English Revolution.Markku Peltonen - 2019 - In Cesare Cuttica & Markku Peltonen (eds.), Democracy and anti-democracy in early modern England, 1603-1689. Boston: Brill.
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  44. A revisionist history of the scientific revolution.Markku Peltonen - 1999 - Social Epistemology 13 (3 & 4):323 – 330.
  45. Classical republicanism in Tudor England: the case of Richard Beacon's Solon His Follie.Markku Peltonen - 1994 - History of Political Thought 15 (4):469-503.
  46.  19
    Filosofin kuolema.Markku Roinila & Timo Kaitaro (eds.) - 2004 - Helsinki: Summa.
    Tyynen rauhallisesti, traagisen ennenaikaisesti, koomisen kommelluksen seurauksena, arkipäiväisen banaalisti... -/- Filosofin kuolema sisältää neljäkymmentä tarinaa siitä, miten filosofi kohtaa kuoleman. Mitä Pythagoras ajatteli kuolemanjälkeisestä elämästä? Mikä oli Sokrateen itsemurhan tausta? Entä miten esimerkiksi Platon, Pyrrhon, Aristoteles, Plotinos, Avicenna, Descartes, Hume, Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Kaila ja Foucault suhtautuivat kuolemaan ja miten he kuolivat? Heijastaako filosofin tapa kuolla hänen käsitystään elämästä ja kuolemasta?
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    Kuvittelukyky ja moraalinen valinta Leibnizilla.Markku Roinila - 2007 - Niin and Näin (2):27-31.
    Kuvittelukyky tai imaginaatio esiintyy varsin harvoin Leibnizin kirjoituksissa ja siksi siitä ei ole kovin laajalti keskusteltu Leibniz-kommentaareissa ennen kuin aivan viime aikoina. Näissäkin tapauksissa keskustelu on pitkälti rajoittunut kuvittelukyvyn rooliin tiedostuksessa. Yritän tässä esitelmässä vetää sillan kuvittelukyvyn ja moraalisen toiminnan välille, jota tietääkseni ei ole ennen varsinaisesti tehty.
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  48. Sustainable development and human capital in the network society: The challenge Europe is facing in the future.Markku Wilenius - 2002 - Communication and Cognition. Monographies 35 (1-2):75-99.
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  49. Quantity Tropes and Internal Relations.Markku Keinänen, Antti Keskinen & Jani Hakkarainen - 2019 - Erkenntnis 84 (3):519-534.
    In this article, we present a new conception of internal relations between quantity tropes falling under determinates and determinables. We begin by providing a novel characterization of the necessary relations between these tropes as basic internal relations. The core ideas here are that the existence of the relata is sufficient for their being internally related, and that their being related does not require the existence of any specific entities distinct from the relata. We argue that quantity tropes are, as determinate (...)
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  50. The Problem of Trope Individuation: A Reply to Lowe.Markku Keinänen & Jani Hakkarainen - 2014 - Erkenntnis 79 (1):65-79.
    This paper is the first trope-theoretical reply to E. J. Lowe’s serious dilemma against trope nominalism in print. The first horn of this dilemma is that if tropes are identity dependent on substances, a vicious circularity threatens trope theories because they must admit that substances are identity dependent on their constituent tropes. According to the second horn, if the trope theorist claims that tropes are identity independent, she faces two insurmountable difficulties. (1) It is hard to understand the ontological dependence (...)
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